Las Abuelas Cuentan



Our first Café Recuerdos of the year was focused on love, as we reflected on the topic: “Love letters I never sent.” Much like love, our gathering was cozy and warm, funny, and emotional. We recalled memories of letters we sent to our loved ones many years ago. We cherished the memories and joy of re-reading the letters that were sent to us.

Technology has created new ways of communicating and it may seem that writing letters in a lost form of expression, but some people still do it. There is something magical about receiving a handwritten letter. It’s an intentional act that requires setting time aside, putting pen to paper, selecting words and thoughts to share. Sure, you can send a voice message, but it simply isn’t the same.

I invited participants to reflect on what love means to them. We wrote poems in response to prompts from a “Love Yourself” deck. Profound words surfaced about coming back to the quiet of ourselves and to the love of our families, hobbies, lovers, pets. Love manifests in many ways, I’m thankful we were able to hold its magnificent power to come together in person.

Café Recuerdos, is a space for conversation. We make coffee or tea, eat a snack, while getting to know each other. The idea is to share and reflect on our theme for the month. Join us! We meet on the third Thursday of every month at La Galería del Pueblo 209 Central Street, Central Falls. 5:30-7pm. FREE
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