Throughout the year, and especially during Hispanic Heritage Month, Rhode Island Latino Arts receives many requests from local schools, museums and organizations for a listing of individual artists, musicians and performers. By filling out the form below, we will be able to refer these requests directly to you, a local Latino/Latina/Latinx artist, and open doors for you to reach new audiences.
Benefits: If you choose to be listed as a participating artist on the RILA Teaching Artists Network you will become eligible to show or sell your work in La Galería del Pueblo, RILA’s gallery space and cultural center in Central Falls.
Benefits: If you choose to be listed as a participating artist on the RILA Teaching Artists Network you will become eligible to show or sell your work in La Galería del Pueblo, RILA’s gallery space and cultural center in Central Falls.
You will also be on a list of artists who will be offered a stipend or first preference to participate in some of our workshops, conferences, community activities or other events. To qualify for these benefits, you must be a Latino artist residing and practicing your art in Rhode Island. First preference will be for artists who are on the RILA Teaching Artist Network for at least three (3) months.
Finally, if you do not have a website of your own, you may use the webpage we set up for you as a point of reference to showcase your work. Be sure to fill out the form below with as much detail as possible.
PHOTOS: Please send us a photo of your work and a single image of yourself (a headshot) and/or your group to include in the website. Send photos via E-Mail. We prefer a JPEG format of at least 300dpi — you can also send us Illustrator files (.eps or .ai) a TIFF or a PDF. E-Mail all photos to: info@rilatinoarts.org.
COMMUNITY GROUPS OR ORGANIZATIONS: We also have a listing of local cultural and community groups that are managed by and for Latinos in Rhode Island. To be listed, fill out the form as best as possible. Be sure to E-Mail a JPEG of your logo to include on all our listings.
Emerging Latinx Artists Mentorships. For more about this program, click here ➤
Finally, if you do not have a website of your own, you may use the webpage we set up for you as a point of reference to showcase your work. Be sure to fill out the form below with as much detail as possible.
PHOTOS: Please send us a photo of your work and a single image of yourself (a headshot) and/or your group to include in the website. Send photos via E-Mail. We prefer a JPEG format of at least 300dpi — you can also send us Illustrator files (.eps or .ai) a TIFF or a PDF. E-Mail all photos to: info@rilatinoarts.org.
COMMUNITY GROUPS OR ORGANIZATIONS: We also have a listing of local cultural and community groups that are managed by and for Latinos in Rhode Island. To be listed, fill out the form as best as possible. Be sure to E-Mail a JPEG of your logo to include on all our listings.
Emerging Latinx Artists Mentorships. For more about this program, click here ➤