The Traveling Puertas

Stephannie Cames

Alandra, The Protector

Oil & Acrylic (9/2020)
All my figures come with a name. All are different from each other, and they represent different versions of life. Alandra means the protector of humankind.

When I started sketching this piece, I was thinking of our current situation with COVID-19. While everyone was looking at the word "positive" as a bad thing, I wanted to remind people that it also means HOPE. Alandra is humankind’s personification of Hope — she is the one that has united us as a community, the one who can protect us.

The bottle caps came from the popular Corona beer, and I chose to paint each one with the flag of a different country to symbolize that we as a worldwide community can come together to express HOPE.
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Abai, The River

Oil & Acrylic (9/2020)
My figures are the personification of my own mixed cultures, but also versions or stages of life, including Birth and Death. Same as her “sister,” on the other side of these panels, Abai has her own meaning. She has an Ethiopian origin and reflects and symbolizes the mighty Nile River: she represents the flow of life, the one we can’t stop.

When I was painting during quarantine, I was inspired by this quote by Rainer Maria Rilke:

“Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going

No feeling is final.”
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