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Telling Our Stories

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Why is it important for Latinx people of color to produce and share stories that are not often found in our schools, museums or other public places.

A conversation facilitated by Marta V. Martínez

During this presentation, you will:

  • Understand the work that has gone into Nuestras Raíces, the Latino Oral History Project in Rhode Island.
  • Understand the history and work of oral history as a profession.
  • Hear about how oral histories have put the history of Latinos in Rhode Island on the map.
  • How do you see yourself and your experiences as worthy of sharing and adding to this history.

What To Expect

In the workshop you will learn what is difference between story collecting & oral history. Attendees will come to this session with their own curiosities about what is oral history and how they can plan or work on an oral history project with and among communities of color or other communities that have not yet been well represented in the public history of Rhode Island.

This is a platform where we will discuss and reflect on how our own stories can be told, and is not a step-by-step hands-on oral history session. We will be offering a series of Oral History 101 workshops during the summer of 2024.

Registration is closed. New date TBD

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